Friday, 25 May 2012

‘I Don’t Want To Join The Bandwagon’

‘I Don’t Want To Join The Bandwagon’

My dear pals, I need to share this story with you. It made me grows up. Please read along with me.
On a fine Saturday morning, I was walking with my friends along the street in my serene neighborhood. Then we came across a very beautiful damsel. My, she was so cool and she’d got the right statistics!  My eyes nearly popped out, she was so endowed. I know my friends also liked what they saw but we all just passed her by without voicing out our thoughts.
My friend Wale liked her so much that he ensured we strolled past her house every Saturday, until finally after about one month of perambulating, we finally summed up the courage to chat her up. Her voice was so angelic when she told us her name was Funke, that she attended a private girl’s secondary school in Lekki. She was well mannered and soft spoken.
Wale started chatting her up and she also seemed to like him, so we all backed out of the chase.

Wale actually like her but unknown to us he was being pressurized by another group of friends into ‘getting down to the basics’ with her. After a few weeks of going out with Funke, Wale realized he couldn’t get down to the basics with her. Funke told him she was a virgin and intended staying that way until she gets married. Wale didn’t take ‘no’ for an answer until Funke was forced to break up the friendship with him.

This made Wale so angry that he planned to get even with her. Without telling our group of friends, he planned with a group of notorious boys in our area; they kidnapped Funke and gang raped her. He carried out his plan before he informed us. I and our other three friends were so disgusted that we asked Wale to stop coming to our houses. Two days after the incident, trouble erupted in our area, Funke’s dad reported to the police and all Wale’s friends were arrested including me. When we got to the station, we were asked to make statements. My friends and I made our statements, but we were remanded at the police station until our parent came to bail us.

Hmm, as for Wale, he was asked to produce the other guys and together they were charged to court. Funke’s dad said they must be responsibility for their action.

When I got home from the police station, I got thinking, what could have prompted wale to bow to the pressure of such bad boys and gang rape an innocent girl like Funke? What if Funke was my sister, how would I have felt? What if any of those guys was HIV positive, wouldn’t they have infected her? A lot of ‘what ifs’ came to my mind, but thank God, Funke’s parents were supportive. They ensured she had medical attention and also took prophylaxis to prevent transmission of HIV, and they supported her to face up to her antagonists, and hurray, Funke emerged the victor and not the victim.
Rape is violation of human rights; a violation of woman’s right to her bodily integrity, and a violation of the Nigerian law, which is punishable under the Nigerian criminal code section 357.

Oh my, I don’t ever want to join the bandwagon of rapist who thinks they can violate other people’s bodies by having non-consensual sexual relations with them. It’s the height of bestiality. Nah nah nah…


My grandma said there are three types of people in this world and that I can choose which of the categories I want to belong to: the coffee bean, the carrots, and the eggs. Trust my granny, she doesn’t tell you anything without backing it up with practical examples.

She brought the three items - coffee bean, carrot, and egg - put each in a pot of cold water, and placed the pot on three different gas burners, and allowed them to reach boiling point. She then place each item in a plate and asked me what I observed.
 I told her that I can see that the coffee bean has changed the water from colourless to brown; that the carrot which was hard has become quite soft, and the egg, which appeared as fragile, has become rock hard.
Then grandma began her lesson in her usual firm voice, ‘Damilare, my son, see these three item faced the same adversity or challenge, the carrot went into the water strong and determined, but after being subjected to boiling, it became soft and without confidence. The egg, with the fragile outer layer, protecting the inner liquid, also went into the water, and after boiling, became quite hard and solid. But the coffee bean went into the water and after boiling totally changed the colour of the water. That is the unique attribute of this item.
Then she asked, ‘what has this taught you?’ of course, she provided the answer she said, ‘my son, in life you will face many challenges and disappointments, but what determines whether the challenges will make or mar you is the way you react to it. Now look at the carrot. It appeared strong, but with adversity it became soft, wilted, and the past. Then see the egg, with soft hearted and malleable personality, but faced with some challenges of life, becomes hardened, stiff, unforgiving, and full of bitterness and distrust. But look at the coffee bean;
Instead of allowing the circumstances of life to change it rather change the situation so that the situation does not overwhelm it.
Now, my son, you must strive to possess the unique attribute of the coffee bean, whatever you go through. Yes, feel the pain, but do not be subsumed by the sunny side and think, this is a lesson learnt, no matter how many times u fall, I will RISE AGAIN.

Colours as a tip of life

olours are beautiful to behold that many of us pick out certain colour without necessarily knowing the reason for such preference.
Colour symbolism affects nearly every area of life: clothing, mood, fine art, consumer product, development and packaging, food choices, and corporate identity. The significance of some colours is universal while others aren’t.
For many of us, colours envelope our lives. Over 80% of visual information is related to colours. What colours or combinations of colour stimulate people to be interested in different things? What colours make us feel pleasure or disapproval, hot or cold, attracted, stimulated or suppressed?
Colours convey message that go beyond ethnic, racial, or gender boundaries. Colour trends ay defy instinctual, cultural and iconic constraints. For example, the recent craze for vivid lime green, pink, orange, and other bright ones which hitherto were not in vogues.
Your colour preferences can reveal basic aspects of your personality. Think about the colours you wear most often. These indicate your strengths and weaknesses. A variety of psychiatrists and physicians to give them near accurate information about their patients by understanding their clour choices. Find your favourite colour below and see what your choice indicates about your personality.
Red reflects energy and impulsiveness. You are competitive, ambitious and like to be the centre of attention. Red is symbolic of leadership qualities and courage. You are focused on results and success. This could also be a human weakness; you need to take time to learn to be good listener and to be sensitive to the feelings of others.
Lovers of pink have an affectionate and loving nature. Pink is symbolic o understanding and sympathy. It exudes warmth and love. Pink is a combination of the intense energy of red and purity of white. However, you may be childlike, lack willpower, or need a tremendous amount of support from others.

If orange is your favourite colour, then you are action oriented and competent. Orange symbolizes practically, independence, organization and creativity .you are self – motivated, active, and competitive. But you need to be careful not to try and dominate others.
Orange is the colour of spirituality in the East. This can be selfishness if directed only towards one’s own enlightenment.

If you wear yellow, you like to be active and involved in life. You have a stimulating personality and an interesting mind. Yellow symbolizes vitality, communication, and spontaneity. You appreciate the new and modern. You must make sure that you also develop the skill to resolve conflicts.
Lovers of green are benevolent and service – oriented. They observe life and prefer to stay on the sidelines. Green symbolizes the desire for peace and harmony. You are sensitive and artistic. You may need to add more colours to your wardrobe to become more involved in life with others.
Light Blue
Blue people are sentitive and perspective. Light blue symbolizes a good imagination, creativity, and a practical approach to life. Blue is a combination of the power of blue and the innocence of white. Employ your analytical abilities for problem solving!
Dark Blue
Dark blue people have deep feelings. They are intelligent, self  - reliant, willing to take responsibility, and make decisions without guidance. They need to surround themselves with peaceful and affectionate people, to avoid depression. They need to play more!
Violet lovers, you need to feel needed. You have a sensitive, compassionate personality. You should be careful to chose your friends wisely, as you may be vulnerable to people who will impose their needs upon you or damage your self – confidence.
Let me stop here before I bore you…

Tuesday, 1 May 2012


.A couple have been married for over 9years without children and it was becoming their 10th year. Dave and Clara stayed with each other and hoped that they will have a child before their 10th year of marriage runs out, because they were under persuasion from friends and family members to get a divorce; but they could'nt let go, because of the love between them. Months passed and one day, while Dave was returning from work, he saw his wife walking down the road with a man. The man had his arms around her neck and they looked very happy. For over a week, he saw the same man with his wife at various places and one evening, while Dave was returning from work he saw the man drop her off at the house after giving her a kiss on the cheek. Dave was angry and sad. Two days later, after a hectic day at work, Dave was taking water
with a glass jug from the dispenser when the phone rang. He picked it up and the person said,"Hello dear, I'll be coming to your house this evening to see you as promised. I hope.....". Dave hung-up the phone. It was a male voice and he was sure the person was the man he had always seen her with. He suddenly became shaky with the thought that he has lost his wife to another man. The glass jug fell from his hand and shattered into pieces. Clara came running into the room asking,"Is everything okay?". In anger he gave his wife a push
and she fell. She wasn't moving or getting up. Dave then realized that she fell where he broke the glass jug. A large piece of glass had pierced her. He felt her breath, pulse and heartbeat but there she lay lifeless. His wife was dead. In total confusion, he saw an envelope in her hand. He took it, opened it and was shocked by its content -it was a letter. It read: "My loving husband, words cannot express how I feel so, I had to write it down. I have been going to see a doctor for over a week and I wanted to be sure before I give you the news. The doctor confirmed it that I am pregnant with a twin and our baby is due 7months from now. The same doctor is my long lost brother whom I lost contact with after our marriage. He has promised to take care of me and our baby and give us the best without collecting a dime. He also promised to have dinner with us today. I am putting this on your favorite chair in the sitting room for you to remember the day you proposed to me and I had to write to you saying,"Yes" because I was so happy. Thanks for staying by my side". -Your loving wife The letter fell from his hand. There was a knock at the door and the same man he had seen with his wife came in and said, "Hello Dave, I suppose I'm right. Its Max, the brother of your wife and......". Suddenly, Max noticed his sister lying in a pool of her blood. He rushed her to the hospital and she was confirmed dead! Her twin baby gone. 

-We should not be too quick to take unnecessary actions in our relationship or marriage when we
havn't questioned our partner or spouse on what we saw or heard about them.
-Each of us have our faults. We shouldn't be too fast to decide the judgement of others. Have you thought of that thing you are doing wrong, that no one sees?
- Not everything you see, hear, or believe about someone is true....

The Miserly Beggar

The king was to pass by a beggar's hut and the man was beside himself with excitement, not because he was about to see the king, but because the king was known to part with expensive jewels and huge sums of money when moved by compassion,
He saw the king's chariot just as a kindly man was filling his begging bowl with uncooked rice, pushing the man aside, he ran into the street, shouting praises of the king and the royal family. the chariot stopped and the king beckoned to the beggar,
"who are you?"
"one of the most unfortunate of your subjects" said the beggar, "poverty sits on my doorstep and follows me about like a dog, i haven't eaten since yesterday afternoon",
"Have you nothing for your king except a tale of woe?" said the ruler, putting out his hand. "give me something" the beggar astonished, carefully picked up 5 grains of rice from his bowl and laid them on the king's outstreched palm.
The king drove away.
The beggar's dissappiontment was great. he raved and ranted and cursed the king again and again for his miserliness, finally , his anger spent, he went on his rounds.
When he returned home in the evening he found a bag of rice on the floor.
"some generous soul has been here" he thought and took out a handful of rice from the bag. to he astonishment. there was a small piece of gold in it sent by the king, he emptied the rice on the floor, feeling sure right, he found 5, one for each grain of rice he had given the king.
"it is not the king who has been miserly" thought the man, sadly. "if i had been generous and given him the whole bowl of rice, i would have been a rich man today"...