Tuesday, 7 January 2014


It is now Suicidal

The truth to tell

The creed to sing

Among applauded liars.


Those with the bell

The cat’s neck to bell

Are themselves favoured rats,

An allied force with the fat cats.


Before the door, they knock,

Behind the door, they respond

With an ear-blocking voice,

Who is there?


Who rescues the truth?

From the blood-thirsty talons?

No doubt the fingers that bears the talons,

The jailers of truth.


Oh truth, have you life in you still?

Your flesh so mangled and pierced,

Your blood guzzled to dryness

By joyless, unbridled bees.


But another truth is true, oh truth,

And this I know;

When the talons grow old,

When feeble they become,

Your freedom shall be
And your nature stark naked emerge.


Set him a goal

And make him a promise

Then, his real zeal strongly shown

And he, becoming more devout in hope,

More devout than Monk.


He becomes nocturnal,

Defying all natural rule

And all artificial order, he disorders,

Paying no heed to light outs.

It doesn’t matter, it’s no sin,

After all, he says the mid night Angelus.


With agitated nerves, he tarries

At the door post of his hopes,

He tarries from the eleventh hour

With audible faith, faith with a hand

A hand that pulls the land of time

To rest at the hour of target.

It doesn’t matter, he practices punctuality.


His loud silent voice of aspiration

Makes lovers of sleep keep unwanted vigil;

No query, no qualms,

He comes to wish good wishes,

Good wishes to a clear brother,

The key holder to his quest.


Although triple-filtered stuff his reward be,

Cold bell beer his remuneration,

It hearts no fly;

He must show fraternal love.

But who knows the intention of a dog
That keeps guard over a pot meat?